Atelier SOLO

Workshop de Iniciação à Culinária Plant Based

12 de outubro das 10:00 às 15:00


O Workshop de Iniciação à Culinária Plant Based dirige-se a quem quer dar os primeiros passos, para uma alimentação à base de plantas saudável e equilibrada. Este workshop faz parte do Curso de Culinária Macrobiótica e os participantes que optam por dar continuidade a esta formação podem ingressar posteriormente no curso, desde que existam vagas.

The SOLO trainings are held in a workshop spirit, so that everyone can really feel the process, participating in the preparation, knife skills, cooking methods and serving. Always keeping in mind the seasonality and origin of the products, together we will prepare a comforting and tasty menu with a wide variety of ingredients.

Standard macrobiotic diet and its fundamentals. Cereals, protein sources, vegetables, seeds, oilseeds, seaweed, fermented and natural sweeteners. We will talk about lifestyle in the eyes of Macrobiotics and how to set up your own kitchen. These classes are held in Portuguese, although as it is a practical class it is possible for the assistant to translate a little. If you need classes held in English, please ask for it.

Lunch included


Valor = 69€

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