Atelier SOLO

Curso SOLO Pós Laboral 2023/24

10 de outubro 2023 a 14 de maio 2024

18 theoretical-practical cooking modules

Terças-Feiras das 17h00 às 20h30



This course is aimed at anyone with an interest in this area, or who wants to change habits and take control of their lifestyle or career. Our practical classes are an excellent way to immerse yourself in incredible techniques for mastering the art of cooking. Many of the techniques and cooking styles are based on the Macrobiotic philosophy, a fusion of Japanese and Mediterranean cuisine. All the modules are theoretical and practical, so that participants can experience the process in its entirety, carrying out the preparation, cutting of food, cooking methods and plating.


This course aims to prepare and give participants the tools to:

- Get awareness and practice in Plant-Based Cooking

- Know how to set up their own kitchen according to their needs

- Incorporate the rudiments of macrobiotic cooking in a real way

- Be able to execute balanced and appetizing meals

- Establish contact with food preparation, cooking methods and conservation

- Cook with focus on seasonality, quality and origin of products



In Level 1, we talk about the standard macrobiotic diet and its fundamentals. Cereals, protein sources, vegetables, seeds, oilseeds, seaweeds, fermented foods and natural sweeteners. We talk about lifestyle from the point of view of macrobiotics and how to set up our own kitchen, knowing how to nourish ourselves with the incredible variety of foods that nature makes available to us. We discuss the foods that protect our digestive system and that accompany us in each season, their cooking methods such as sautés, stews, roasts, tempuras, short and long pickles, sprouts, etc. We look at foods that help us warm up or cool down, as well as detoxify the body and mind, boosting our energy and discernment.

Module 1 – Rudimentos da Cozinha Macrobiótica – 10 de outubro 2023

Module 2 – Cozinha de Primavera – 17 de outubro 2023

Module 3 – Cozinha de Verão – 24 de outubro 2023

Module 4 – Cozinha de Verão Tardio – 7 de novembro 2023

Module 5 – Cozinha de Outono – 14 de novembro 2023

Module 6 – Cozinha de Inverno – 21 de novembro 2023


In Level 2, we deepen our knowledge and explore new seasonal menus with a plant-based approach, over 6 modules with no specific theme for each one. We focus on the 5 flavors, different types of cuts, cooking techniques and methods, in a preventive and health maintenance cooking practice. Each participant has the opportunity to make their own menu and eat according to their constitution and condition, creating consistent habits in the kitchen that help them eat more consciously. We talk about meal planning, with the organization of a weekly menu, food waste, the variety of protein foods that can make up a dish in a healthy, nutritious way, with a delicious result. We cover artisanal cooking for preservation and use over time, including vegetable broth, pies, croquettes, burgers, sauces and good quality mayonnaise. We make our own plant-based pickles.

Module 1 – 16 de Janeiro

Module 2 – 23 de Janeiro

Module 3 – 30 de Janeiro

Module 4 – 6 de Fevereiro

Module 5 – 20 de Fevereiro

Module 6 – 27 de Fevereiro


The Level 3 is the most demanding, yet still quite simple and practical. We explore more specific themes and new seasonal menus in a plant-based approach. We'll focus more on practical day-to-day issues, such as alternatives for snacks, light, quick-to-prepare meals for dinner after a busy day. Included are modules on artisanal production, festive menus, cheeses and pizza - great for entertaining friends and family!

Module 1 LANCHES & SNACKS – 9 de Abril

Module 2 PRODUÇÃO ARTESANAL – 16 de Abril

Module 3 REFEIÇÕES RÁPIDAS – 23 de Abril  

Module 4 QUEIJOS & PIZZA – 30 de Abril

Module 5 MENU FESTIVO I – 7 de Maio

Module 6 – MENU FESTIVO II – 14 de Maio


Jantar incluído em todas as aulas



Untill 19 de setembro = 980€

After 20 de setembro = 1070€

Ou 170€ de inscrição + 6 prestações de 170€ (efetuados na 1ª semana de cada mês em que o curso decorre)


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